February 2018 Meeting

Next meeting Thursday, February 8, 2018

Loyalist College, Pioneer Building, Room P13 (please take note of the room change)


Special Invitation to Artists talks at the Parrot Gallery at the Belleville Library (before our club meeting)

If you missed the first Artist Talks on January 20, be sure to come to the Parrott Gallery for the second, February 8, 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Not only Lola on her world-wide travels and me on the Northwest Passage, but we are expecting David Newland from Adventure Canada. David is a writer, musician, Ocean Adventurer host, Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, frequent Arctic traveller and an all-round great guy. He will be delighted to answer questions. Check David out at http://www.davidnewland.com/. Look forward to seeing you there!

Camera Cleaning

Douglas Banks will be at our February meeting to clean your camera sensors and lenses. The cost is $20 for sensors and $15 for lenses. Make sure that your camera has a fully charged battery. Sensor cleaning is impossible if your battery is low.


Light Lessons

Mike Gaudaur will be presenting a series of short lessons on basic principles of light for photographers. This will be presented as a live demonstration using various light sources and a camera tethered to a projector.


After the break we will continue with the light theme by exploring how photographers can use editing software light Lightroom to further modify light.
We will round out the meeting with a review of our monthly theme images.

This month’s theme: Unbalanced

Don’t forget to upload your images to our theme gallery on this website. 

Join us for a field trip to Wildlife Photographer of the Year at the ROM