Next meeting Thursday, December 13, 2018
Loyalist College, Pioneer Building, Room P13
Before the Meeting 6:30-7:30
Stop by the Parrott Gallery at the Belleville Library to catch the next instalment of the Armchair Traveller photographers talks. This time Lola Reid Allin will be taking us to Tanzania. Only 7 minute drive from Library to Loyalist.

Armchair Traveller Poster-2
December 2018 Meeting:Gear, Gadgets, and Goodies

This will be an informal evening of member’s show and tell of the favourite gear and photo gadgets, a yard sale of gear we want to sell, and a smorgasbord of Christmas snacks and goodies brought in and shared by our members. We will also feature slideshows created by our members. So go through your camera bags (and closets) to find gear to show off or sell, get to work on your slideshows, and bake up your favourite snacks to share. It is always a fun evening.
Our theme this month is “Lighting Up the Dark” and the image upload album is open.
click here to upload your images
Camera Cleaning

Douglas Banks will be on site to clean your camera sensors and lenses. All cleaning takes place onsite and will be ready for you by the end of the meeting. Cameras are $20 and Lenses are $10. Bring cash. Please make sure that your camera battery is fully charged. This is a fantastic service at a great price!

Parrott Gallery Exhibition
This is a reminder of our time line for the club’s show in the Parrott Gallery.
In June,2019: Workshop at Mike’s studio in Trenton to mat & frame your photo.
Thursday, July 11, 2019: I need to give the library a list of those participating.
You need to provide an Artist’s Statement and CV to the Library.
Saturday, July 13/19: Deliver your framed photo to the Parrott Gallery between 10am & 12 noon or 2:00 & 4:00 pm.
Each piece must be securely wired for hanging, labelled with your name, title, price ( $100. to $500 ?) Gallery takes 30%commission). Anyone unable to deliver their own piece must make arrangements for someone to deliver it for you.
Thursday, July18/19: Opening reception 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Lets try to invite friends/relatives to make this a good opening.
Friday, Aug.23/19: Pick up your piece from the Gallery.
Couple of notes:
1. There is room for about 40 pieces.We need another 5 or 6 participants.
2. I need the names of the entrants for pieces titled Angel Wings, Quiet, and Yellow Barn submitted last spring.
Thanks to our November guest speaker: Bill Bickle
We appreciated Bill’s images and insights into the great Canadian wilderness. Bill asked us to pass on the following information:
Many last night were interested to understand this Great animal. Here is a bit of follow up information to share with the Club, Please 🙂
Also a short video of my Museum Exhibit to share as well!
Here is a video interview with Bill:
Bill has an encore gallery presentation
The presentation October 16 was a hit! The room filled up nicely and many questions were asked. The showing was scheduled for 45 minutes but with the high interest 2 hours later we concluded. The Museum has asked me to do an Encore Presentation.
So mark the calendar,….Saturday December 8 @ 1:30pm. We are hoping to attract some Youths! Gearing up with some of my Artifacts from my Adventures, for a hands on experience! We have not finalized the program yet but other youth oriented involvement is being planned. Could you please share with friends ?
The Grizzly Bear
Grizzly (or brown) bears are North America’s largest terrestrial carnivore. Size and weight vary considerably with region, but the largest bears are typically found in coastal areas. The grizzly bear gets its name from the light tipped guard hairs which give them a grizzled appearance. In the spring grizzlies emerge from their winter dens very hungry – during this season the grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen focus on eating sedge grass, skunk cabbage and roots near the shoreline of the inlet. They can also be seen foraging in the intertidal zone for clams and shore crabs. Coastal grizzly bears are powerful swimmers and in their estuary home are in and out of the water almost constantly. They can often be seen snorkelling with just their heads below the water.
Grizzly bears are solitary animals for most of the year. However, in spring it is mating season and adult bears congregate. Female grizzlies stay with their cubs for up to three years, so often in the Khutzeymateen in the spring we will see female bears with cubs.
On the coast grizzly bears enter their dens to hibernate in late October/early November, and cubs are born in the dens in the deep of winter. Typically the bears emerge from the dens in early spring. Female grizzlies on the coast have between 1 and 3 cubs.
Grizzly bears have a great sense of smell and phenomenal hearing. Contrary to folklore, grizzlies can also see very well and their vision is comparable to humans. They use their powerful senses to locate food and to detect danger.
We find that the best time period for viewing grizzlies in the Khutzeymateen is from mid-May through to mid-June. During this time the bears are normally present in relatively large numbers and exhibit (and share with us) an amazingly wide array of behaviours, including courting and mating behaviour, dominance struggles between young males and their older counterparts, mother-cub interactions, and more. At this time of year the sedges and grasses are still reasonably short and don’t obscure the bears, making for both ideal bear viewing and bear photography conditions. As an added bonus, the hours of daylight at this northerly latitude during this May-June time period are very extended, thus giving us many hours to view the bears each day.
Travelling to the beautiful Khutzeymateen Valley and sharing a few days with the grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen is a unique and unforgettable experience that you will cherish forever.
Here is the link to Ocean Light Adventure Travels
During the November meeting we discussed a great photo editing software option by Skylum as reviewed by Dustin Abbott
Members can use the code DustinHDR to get a $15 discount at checkout.