November Meeting Wrap-up

Our November meeting was jam packed with useful information. We had 47 people in attendance!

Presentation – Special Speaker – Tim Blodgett



Tim came well prepared to share with us about how the law relates to photography.


  • Personal Property
  • Real Property
  • Intellectual Property – The Charter of Rights now protects intellectual property like digital images


who has ownership of an image?

  • before 2011 – pictures belong to person who pays for it
  • after 2011 – property of photographer


refers to the rights to produce, reproduce, sell or license

  • automatically belongs to the creator (photographer)
  • starts when you take the picture
  • ends 50 years after death
  • to identify your copyright “© person’s name, year taken”


when someone breaches copyright they may face

  • civil liability
  • financial penalties
  • jail


their moral rights – these cannot be licensed or assigned

  • is there a reasonable expectation of privacy?
  • does the image misrepresent them?
  • does the image violate their integrity?


A model release is a contract that falls under Common Law. To be valid it must have:

  1. Offer
  2. Acceptance
  3. Consideration (payment or compensation)

It can be written or oral.


Facebook terms are in privacy and application settings

  • permission to display but not sell
  • protecting other peoples rights
  • agreed not to break copyright law


  • Privacy – right of privacy – yes or no?
    • if in public, you can take picture
  • If selling the picture, you should get a Model Release signed
  • If for artistic purposes, no Model Release needed

Thank you Tim for all the useful information and answering our questions

Presentation and Tutorial

  • Cropping

Photo Critique of members pictures for October ThemeQS_5433_4_5_by_Mike_Gaudaur

Website Update

  • Website is functional and needs our pics.
  • sign in will be on the right side of the page
    • when you have signed in you will be sent a link through email
  • on website you will be able to upload pictures for the monthly themes to Gallery
    • image security
      • download is disabled
      • resolution is low – 1440 pixels wide

November Theme

  • Unusual Lighting (not daylight or flash)


November Meeting

Our next club meeting is Thursday, November 10th.

Guest Speaker

Tim Blodgett | Practicing Partner | Curlette & Blodgett | Licensed Paralegal

Here is what Tim has planned for us:

I am being constantly asked about the law and how it applies to photography. There is a plethora of information out there but much of it can be interpreted incorrectly, or leaves people with more questions then when they started. 

I will speak to a few issues in law and photography for general information. Standard things like where you can and cannot take photos, and breaking down issues such as the reasonable expectation of privacy and how that relates to photography. I will also be open to taking any general questions that persons may have. However I will be unable to answer any specific issues (i.e. Specific contract issues, or specific issues of performance) and as I am not a lawyer, I will not be able to advise beyond the scope of my practice but will be happy to field questions and topic within my area of expertise. 


Improving your images using creative cropping techniques.

Mike Gaudaur will explain the theory behind cropping and show you how to use it to remove distractions and increase the impact of your images. You will see some of the powerful and helpful cropping tools built in to both Photoshop and Lightroom. 

Monthly Theme Challenge

deterioration |dəˌtirēəˈrāSH(ə)n


the process of becoming progressively worse


Members are encouraged to bring their theme challenge images on a USB drive or memory card so that we can project them on the big screen and talk about them as a group. This is meant to be a forum for trying new things, sharing your images, and learning about potential routes to improvement. It is meant to be informal, fun, and helpful, so bring along two or three images.


October Meeting Wrapup

Meeting Agenda

  1. Presentation – Special Speaker – Mark Hopper
  2. Break
  3. Images for Theme simplify
  4. List of themes for the year.
  5. Website, Facebook, upcoming speakers

Mark Hopper


Mark gave a wonderful presentation of pictures from the local area including:

  • Rossmore Boat Launch
  • Meyer’s Pier
  • Trent Marina
  • Quinte Isle Campground
  • Bakers Island
  • Bayside Sewage
  • St James On The Bay
  • Wallbridge Railway Crossing
  • High Falls, Bancroft
  • Rowing Club
  • Jackson Falls
  • Raptor Conservatory
  • Amherstview Island
  • Spring Lake, Bancroft
  • Wineries in County
  • Potter’s Creek
  • Chisholms Mills
  • Wellington Beach
  • Turtle Pond at water front
  • Bird’s Creek, BancroftBeaver Creek

Following presentation Mark answered our questions. We learned the following:

  • Shoot from different levels
  • Set F-stop to F11 to F16 to get a starburst 
  • Use HDR for detail in shadows
  • Look Behind You
  • Revisit site for different pictures each time
  • Join the Canadian Geographic Photo Group on Facebook

Here is a link to Mark’s Facebook page.

After break, we continued with challenge discussion, critiquing and describing how each picture was simplified.

  • using shallow depth of field to create a soft boka  
  • silhouette to reduce the number of tones in the image
  • reducing distractions that draw our eyes to brightest part of photo, areas of high contrast, and extraneous items in sharp focus

Discussion of rule of thirds, golden mean spiral, mirror.

Discussion about website – new page from clean slate, interaction with members. The site should be ready by next meeting. To subscribe enter name and email. Be sure to click on the link in the confirmation email in order to complete your subscription. Eventually all club communication will be managed by the website subscription list. So be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss out!

Brand New Year


This is a brand new website as of October 5th, 2016. Please be patient as we build our new site over the coming weeks.

Greetings Quinte Area Photo Enthusiasts,

The Quinte Photo Club is already under way for our 9th year. Brad Denoon has decided to step down as president. We want to thank him for his vision to start the club and provide leadership for the past decade. I am gaining a new appreciation for some of the work he has done behind the scenes over the years.

The first meeting of the year was held September 8th, 2017. The main purpose of that first meeting was to share our vision for the club and gather input from the membership. We came away from our meeting excited about the potential for this club. We made plans to allow for more instruction, participation, and interaction for the club members, with lots of image sharing, helpful critiques, and field trip opportunities. We also officially elected our new executive.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, October 13, 2016. We meet at Loyalist College in the Pioneer Building, Room P24. We are excited to have Mark Hopper sharing a presentation on his amazing images of the Quinte area. Mark has achieved significant notoriety for his stunning imagery.

We also will be inviting members and guests to share up to 5 images on this month’s theme challenge. We have been challenged to create simple ‘minimalistic’ images. Keep removing everything from the frame until all that is left is the one thing you want the viewer to see.

It promises to be a great evening. So please join us!

Mike Gaudaur
QPC President