This is a brand new website as of October 5th, 2016. Please be patient as we build our new site over the coming weeks.
Greetings Quinte Area Photo Enthusiasts,
The Quinte Photo Club is already under way for our 9th year. Brad Denoon has decided to step down as president. We want to thank him for his vision to start the club and provide leadership for the past decade. I am gaining a new appreciation for some of the work he has done behind the scenes over the years.
The first meeting of the year was held September 8th, 2017. The main purpose of that first meeting was to share our vision for the club and gather input from the membership. We came away from our meeting excited about the potential for this club. We made plans to allow for more instruction, participation, and interaction for the club members, with lots of image sharing, helpful critiques, and field trip opportunities. We also officially elected our new executive.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, October 13, 2016. We meet at Loyalist College in the Pioneer Building, Room P24. We are excited to have Mark Hopper sharing a presentation on his amazing images of the Quinte area. Mark has achieved significant notoriety for his stunning imagery.
We also will be inviting members and guests to share up to 5 images on this month’s theme challenge. We have been challenged to create simple ‘minimalistic’ images. Keep removing everything from the frame until all that is left is the one thing you want the viewer to see.
It promises to be a great evening. So please join us!
Mike Gaudaur
QPC President